August 1st, 2013 Latvian Fund for Nature starts a project to raise collaboration of NGOs and population Today, August 1st, we begin to implement a project to raise collaboration of NGOs and population. Project will go on until the end of 2015. This project aims to strengthen civil society and promote decision-making based on interests of civil society and sustainable development by integrating environmental and conservation requirements into policy documents and legislation. It means that during the next two and a half years we will take part into environmental policy, work closely with other non-governmental organizations, both on regional and national level, will be happy to communicate, answer questions and try to involve potential stakeholders on environmental issues and decision-making. Therefore, if you have any ideas, questions or just want to engage in a chat - call, write or visit us! Latvian Fund for Nature Dzirnavu street 73-2, Riga Tel. 67830999 Projekts tiek īstenots ar EEZ finanšu instrumenta 2009-2014 atbalstu. Projektu finansiāli atbalsta Islande, Lihtenšteina un Norvēģija |