What is happening in Lake Engure Nature park in winter
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What is happening in Lake Engure Nature park in winter

New year has come and winter is freezing our noses and legs for some while already. Many people are asking us how the cattle and horses are doing, left on the meadow in this freezing cold, wind and snow



Konik horses has grown
thicker hair, so they could 

hold on in freezing winter

And even Ukus hair has
become thicker.

Project leader promises
the cattle that winter in
not everlasting. 

Cattle have made holes
in ice to reach the water.

Horses are looking for
grass beneath the snow.

This is the first cow gra-
zing on the shore mea-
dows- it’s crossbreed of
Highlander and Sharole.

Next two cows grazing on
shore meadows- Uku and

Even government repre-
sentatives from Minitrsy
of Environment come to
feed the cattle

New year has come and winter is freezing our noses and legs for some while already. Many people are asking us how the cattle and horses are doing, left on the meadow in this freezing cold, wind and snow

To answer this question, one of the project managers put on 2 pairs of socks, thick gloves, took a camera and went to visit horses, Uku and other cattle.

As you can see from the pictures, both horses and cattle are doing fine in this rather challenging weather – they have grown thicker hair and are spending most of the time in the shelter, warming each other. Project manager Roberts Šiliņš is providing them with some hay from time to time as winter is really harsh.

They manage to obtain water for drinking by making holes in the ice on lake (see pictures), and horses are eating the grass hidden below the snow, which is not too thick.  

When looking at the project pioneer cattle it seems that they feel well in this harsh winter and will manage to live good through the winter. Spring will come with new reed stems, fresh grass and bushes, and with new project activities. 

This year we are planning to focus more of work with society – to organize meetings with local people, continue study tours to Estonia, continue setting up information signs. We are also planning to build second bird watching tower and summer lecture room, print second project booklet. 

We will continue organizing voluntary bush cutting events, reed cutting and restoration of meadows. Next meadow planned to be restored is located on the other coast of the Lake Engure – in Ķūļciems municipality. Cattle will be placed also on this meadow and we hope to contract the local people for taking care of the cattle.  

We are looking forward and hope for further support and understanding from the local population, as this is the main keystone for the project success. 


Wishing challenging and successful year 2003 to you all, 
Project manager Inga Račinska

Project info of Inplementation of management plan in Lake Engure Nature Park